...in den Adern gefrieren. Ein amerikanischer Freund drückt es so aus:
"This woman I met yesterday, as soon as she sat down with me, apologized for being tired and for having spent most of the day crying. She said it was a combination of the other 'shit' going on with this country, with the world in general, and then this disaster. And it caused her to wonder if this isn't what the future will look like as other disasters surely will follow with regard to fights for oil, for water, for arable land, for other natural resources. Yes, if she wasnt' already depressed when she met me, she was after. Because I think this is a harbinger of what the future, more and more, will look like."Dem ist eigentlich nichts hinzuzufügen. Bis auf die Tatsache vielleicht, dass die Spritpreise in Deutschland heute die 1,40 Marke überschritten haben und ich im Ernst daran denke, meine beruflichen Flugreisen fürs nächste Jahr schon jetzt zu buchen. So ernst ist die Lage also.
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